Зүүн хойд бүсийн усан сангаас Тасганы овооны усан сан хүртэл замын хөдөлгөөнийг ирэх сарын 3-ний өдөр хүртэл өөрчилжээ

Зүүн хойд бүсийн усан сангаас Тасганы овооны усан сан хүртэл замын хөдөлгөөнийг ирэх сарын 3-ний өдөр хүртэл өөрчилжээ


Зүүн хойд бүсийн усан сангаас Тасганы овооны усан сан хүртэл Ф900мм-ийн шинээр татах цэвэр усны гол шугамын ажилтай холбоотой авто замын түр хөдөлгөөний зохион байгуулалтыг Улаанбаатар хотын Захирагчийн ажлын албанаас танилцуулж байна.

Засварын үеэр урд урсгал буюу баруунаас зүүн чиглэлийг хоёр эгнээ болгон хөдөлгөөнийг зохицуулах аж. Тус ажил нь 2024 оны долдугаар сарын 13-ны 22:00 цагаас наймдугаар сарын 3-ны өдрийг дуустал үргэлжлэх юм.



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  • Preventing Wrist Stress with Ergonomically Designed Keyboards

    Wrist strain may be a serious issue for gaming enthusiasts, especially during extended gaming periods. Ergonomically designed keyboards are designed to minimize fatigue and enhance ease, aiding you maintain peak efficiency without compromising your wellness.

    Ergonomic keyboards are crafted to support a more natural hand situation, minimizing the stress on your wrists and forearms. One common aspect is a split keyboard layout, which enables your hands to rest at a more natural position. This layout helps prevent overuse injuries and wrist compression.

    Another essential attribute is the addition of a wrist pad. A good wrist rest
    provides support and cushioning, avoiding your wrists from bending at an awkward
    orientation. Many ergonomic keypads arrive with built-in wrist rests, or you can buy a separate one that suits your needs.

    Important positioning and the form of the keys also are significant in ergonomics. Some input devices feature curved or sculpted keycaps that match the natural contours of your fingers, lessening the effort required to press the keys. This can make a significant impact in ease, especially during long gaming periods.

    Modifiable tilt and height settings are also advantageous. Being able to change the angle of your input device allows you to get the most comfortable position, further minimizing strain on your wrists and hands. Some ergonomic keypads even offer tenting options, where the keypad is raised in the middle, fostering a more natural wrist location.

    By acquiring an ergonomic keypad and taking steps to preserve good stance and hand position, you may minimize the risk of wrist strain and gain a more comfortable gaming adventure. This not only enhances your presentation but also helps verify long-term well-being and health.

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    17 July 2024 16:11