Н.Мягмар: Допингийн хариуг нуусан зүйлгүй. Ажлын зохион байгуулалттай холбоотойгоор өнөөдөр мэдээлж байна

Н.Мягмар: Допингийн хариуг нуусан зүйлгүй. Ажлын зохион байгуулалттай холбоотойгоор өнөөдөр мэдээлж байна


Үндэсний их баяр наадмыг зохион байгуулах хорооны Үндэсний бөхийн салбар хороо, Монголын үндэсний допингийн эсрэг байгууллага хамтран мэдээлэл хийж байна. Тодруулбал, Үндэсний их баяр наадмаар шөвгөрсөн 32 бөх, 16 харваачаас авсан допингийн шинжилгээний хариуг танилцуулж байгаа юм. Энэ үеэр ХЗДХЯ-ны Төрийн нарийн бичгийн дарга, Үндэсний бөхийн салбар хорооны дарга Н.Мягмар дараах мэдээллийг өглөө.



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  • Ways to Boost Your Upland Bike Proficiencies

    Boosting your mountain biking proficiencies is a journey that requires dedication, hours, and frequent training. Start by learning the basics such as effective stopping techniques, efficient shift alteration, and keeping your equilibrium on different lands. Regular cycling remains essential to increase your endurance, power, and confidence. Embrace difficult routes, as they offer excellent opportunities for improving and skill improvement.

    Contemplate participating in a nearby biking group or attending lessons from seasoned bikers who can provide personalized guidance and ways. Viewing instructional clips and studying posts from credible publications can also give valuable tips and advice. Consistency remains essential in this journey; the more often you ride, the more noticeable your progress will be.

    Every ride needs to be viewed as a moment to improve and grow. Notice to successful techniques and aspects that require enhancement. Over time, you'll develop better management, quicker reflexes, and improved resilience on the routes. Celebrate your improvement, no matter how minimal, and remain inspired by creating new targets. With persistence and determination, you'll experience significant progress in your hillside bike abilities, making each ride more fulfilling and rewarding.

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    17 July 2024 20:28
  • Crucial Cycle Supplies for Novice Bikers

    Beginning up in operating are thrilling yet overwhelming with all the gear types obtainable. Some necessities to consider consist of a strong head defense, a trustworthy bike lock, and front and rear lighting for sight. Foam-filled shorts can make long trips more cozy, including a excellent water bottle is important for staying hydrated. Don’t forget a fundamental maintenance package with rubber bars, a adjustable-tool, including a spare tube. Investing in Some gear can enhance your bicycling experience and guarantee security around the road. In addition, consider a okay pump to make your tires correctly inflated together with a bell to alert people about the pathways alongside cyclists of one's presence. In the event that you intend to carry goods, a hind holder or pannier packs is handy. With the right supplies, not just will your rides be more protected, but they also will also become more comfortable and fun.

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    17 July 2024 23:39
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    <a href=https://sormol.ru/>https://sormol.ru/</a>

    18 July 2024 02:55